Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, recognized as one of the most frequent psychological alterations in childhood and adolescence, includes a persistent pattern of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention that interferes with the habitual functioning of the individual and entails severe affectation in the school, family and social environment. This disorder has been the subject of scientific interest for decades, with numerous investigations focused on the effects of different treatments and interventions on characteristic and associated symptoms. However, the effectiveness of an intervention depends on the empirical data supporting it. In this conference, we will analyze the evidence-based treatments for this disorder. Recent research and reviews reveal that behavioral therapy is the treatment that accumulates more evidence in the case of ADHD, with parent training programs along with behavioral interventions in school, which are prominent components of this treatment. The effects of the combination of behavior therapy with pharmacological treatment, which is often the first choice in these cases and with neurofeedback, considered to date, as a possible treatment for ADHD, will be addressed. Likewise, recommendations proposed in the different clinical practice guidelines on the analyzed treatments will be considered, taking into account, among other issues, age, symptomatology and characteristics of patients treated.
Inmaculada Moreno is Professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the University of Seville, Spain. She teaches Behavior Modification Children and Youth course at the University of Seville and combines her teaching with her participation in Master in Health Psychology and Psychology of Education in several universities. She is the responsible for Research Group "Clinical Psychology and Quality of Life of Patients and Families". She is the author of several books on Child Behavior Therapy (Terapia de conducta en la infancia. Guía de Intervención) (In English: Behavioral Therapy for children. Intervention Guide) and Hyperactivity (El niño hiperactivo. Guía para padres, Hiperactividad infantil. Guía de actuación) (In English: The hyperactive child. Guide for Parents, Children Hyperactivity. Action Guide). She is the Principal investigator of the project of the National Plan i+d+i (PSI2008-06008-C02-01), consisting of a randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of Neurofeedback in ADHD versus a standard behavioral treatment, and study the effects of drug therapy. Her research focuses on hyperactivity and effectiveness of psychological treatments for children.