Professor Emeritus of Psychology at UNED, Madrid (Spain). She is a researcher on children's emotions, especially, depression, aggression, and anxiety, and their main risk factors: Temperament and Family. These has been proven and shown in her last articles (2013). Analysis of reactive and proactive aggression in children aged 2-6 years. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica (2013); Physical and verbal aggression in children of divorced and single-parent families: the moderating effect of the gender of their children. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology (2014); Effects of Parental Interpersonal Power/Prestige and Acceptance on the Psychological Adjustment of Spanish Youth Cross-Cultural Research 2014 48: 305 originally published online 21 April 2014 http://ccr.sagepub.com/content/48/3/305; 2014. Preparation of individuals to stressful medical interventions. Apuntes de Psicología, special issue for the 30 anniversary (2014). The family and the school in explaining the adaptation of children and adolescents. Revista Mexicana de Investigación Psicológica (2014). Applied Psychology. The Case of the Baer, Wolf and Risley Prescriptions. Applied Behavior Analysis. Additionally, this was published in her recent books: El libro de la Familia (The Book of the Family) (2011); La agresión infantil de cero a seis años (Childhood aggression from zero to six years) (2013); Evaluación Clínica (Clinical Evaluation) (Madrid, 2013, 2014); Depresión Infantil y adolescente (Child and adolescent depression) Madrid, Síntesis, (2014); Evaluación Psicológica (Psychological Evaluation) (2015). SENA. Manual técnico (Technical manual). Prof. Del Barrio is member of Spanish and international scientific societies in which she has held various positions. She has participated in the organization of conferences. She was the director of SPA, UNED, and was the founder and director of Acción Psicológica Journal. She has received awards such as Aitana Award (2013); Disclosing of Psychology in the media from the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid (2014), and the HPAI Fellow Award (2015).
This symposium aims to present works carried out in recent years with children and adolescents who researched on the various risk factors associated with emotional disturbances. As the title suggests, it seeks contextual and personal aspects, in other words, both exogenous and autogenous elements that contribute to the development of childhood disorders. First, the elements of possession of emotional concepts in relation to the onset of specific diseases are analyzed. Also, they consider somatic aspects linked to emotion and that manifest as a certain alteration. Other topics included are personal satisfaction related to physical appearance and difference by sex. And we could not miss the study of empathic emotion as consequence not only of personal aspects, but also social aspects. In summary, this symposium explores different factors (physical, emotional and cognitive) that constitute the complex set of child emotional world, emphasizing different perspectives present in any disorder, and allow clarifying this complex element, that undoubtedly, it is the basis of most of the diseases in childhood and adolescence, and thus, the solution can be addressed with more knowledge.