AITANA Research Group, from the Department of Health Psychology at Miguel Hernández University, has been working on Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology since 2010. This is a field of research and intervention that seemed reduced to the evaluation of learning problems in childhood when the interest in the Psychology was beginning in Spain. However, researchers from AITANA have developed this field in different areas and have achieved to bring together, encourage, promote and organize congresses not only for experts and clinical psychologist from Spain, but also prestigious researchers from other countries.This is the second year that the congress is been organizing outside Elche: the II International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents. Last year, the first edition was celebrated in Madrid, and it was a success; and this year promises to be of great interest. The program includes lectures of the most prestigious specialists, 25 invited symposia and other activities such as meeting to the expert or the presentation of research results in both formats, oral communications and posters, within three days of congress. The program includes a wide range of conferences and symposia in which prominent clinical pscyhologists and researchers focus on the prevention of disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, “bullying" and "cyberbullying", recent techniques of evaluation, and evidence-based interventions for psychopathological disorders, learning disabilities, and health conditions such as chronic pain and neurological disorders. Some of these interventions include new technologies for their purposes. Others presenters will talk about how to promote resilience, sexual health education, education of emotions, and the relationship between parental control and psychological adjustment ... and this is only a small part of the contents for this edition…
I am delighted to be part of the organization of an event that combines the interest in promoting the welfare of children and adolescents and the promotion and dissemination of the most useful knowledge.
Rosa Mª Raich, PhD
Full Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Chair of the Scientific Committe
AITANA research group from Miguel Hernández University aims to promote studies on child and adolescent psychological well-being and the transfer of results to society. Since 2011, it organizes the National Symposium of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, a scientific meeting for researchers and professionals in the field of child mental health, to contribute to their training and exchange of knowledge and experiences. In 2016, the second international edition will be held, with the aim of bringing together leading experts in psychopathology, assessment, and psychological treatment of children applied in the fields of clinical and health psychology. This congress aims to be a forum for updating and meeting of researchers and clinicians to review the state of the area of child and adolescent clinical psychology, provide the maximum diffusion of ongoing investigations, and propose new lines of work.

Jose Pedro Espada, PhD
Head of AITANA Research Group
Chair of the Organizing Committe