Discussion about... Adolescents and Body Image

Discussion about... Adolescents  and Body ImageConcern and body dissatisfaction are common in girls and boys adolescent; although changes have been identified in this problem from years ago. Through a conversation - with the participation of the audience -, doctors Rosa Raich and Josep Toro, two of the leading specialists in eating behavior and body image, will discuss the evidence on body image problems in adolescence, and the remaining challenges for researchers and clinicians. They will bring extensive experience from their personal view on the status of this problem and next steps to address this issue in the future. 

JOSEP TORO is Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Barcelona. He is an Ex-consultor Senior and Chief of the Service of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology at the Hospital Clínic in the same city. During his long career, he has been especially dedicated to the clinical care of adolescents, being one of the introducers of cognitive behavioral therapy in Spain. His contribution was particularly important in the treatment of anorexia and other eating disorders; he is the author and professional reference on these areas in Spain. His long and productive background makes him one of the most prestigious professionals in the field. In recognition of his career, Dr. Toro has received numerous awards, such as "Pavlov Prize” by the Catalan Society for Research and Behavioral Therapy, the Gold Badge of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, the Honorary Presidency of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry Children and Youth, the Medal "Josep Trueta" of the Generalitat de Catalonia, and Aitana Award by Miguel Hernandez University.

ROSA Mª RAICH is Professor of Psychological Intervention in the School of Psychology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and director of the Consolidated Research Group (2009 SGR 1450): Comportamientos, estilos de vida y salud en mujeres CEVSD (In English: behaviors, lifestyles and health in women), and principal investigator of several research projects for the prevention of eating disorders in adolescents. She has spent over twenty years studying these disorders, as well as the evolution of the normative to pathological eating behavior. In addition, she is the author of ten books, including body image and self-esteem, and over a hundred scientific publications, most of them about eating disorders. She has also developed her work in the university with the implementation of a preventive treatment and her study in university students and school adolescents.

