Carmen Maganto Mateo is Professor of Child Psychodiagnosis at the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and specialist in clinical psychology. Her research projects include: design of assessment tools and evaluation of interventions (Basque Country), Sexism and psychological variables (MICINN), eating disorders and body image in adolescents and young (UPV). She has collaborated in the design and publication of several instruments. Some of her recent articles are: Empatía y resolución de conflictos durante la infancia y adolescencia (In English: Empathy and conflict resolution during childhood and adolescence) (Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 2011); Gender differences in socioemotional developmental factors during adolescence and effects of a violence prevention program (Journal of Adolescent Health, 2009). She has been awarded the First Prize for PICTA program (2002) by the V National Contest of TEA, and the Award for Best Audiovisual Teaching Material, awarded by the Social Council of the National University of Distance Education, Madrid (Spain).
The symposium aims to propose strategies for action in educational, social and clinical settings. An intervention on the most common problems in childhood, especially emotional and behavioral problems, both children and adolescents will be proposed. Preventive and therapeutic interventions address parents, professionals and children and adolescents themselves. First, problems on which we need to intervene will be identified (evaluation), showing the tools used in each program, the interventional procedure (mode to implement the intervention), the protocol (strategies or program), materials used in the field, and the results of the performance (effectiveness of the intervention). When we focus on behavior, problems related to impulsivity and aggression are mainly addressed; and when focus on emotions, problems associated with sadness, emotional inhibition and anxiety are faced. In this symposium, maladaptive use and risk in children and adolescents are examined, and prevention strategies and precise guidelines for educators and parents of children on risk factors and positive actions in the use of ICTs are offered. The symposium seeks to respond to the need to know in greater depth the problems that emerge socially and respond to them.