Xavier Méndez

University of Murcia, Spain

How to develop mental strength in childhood: Fortius program

Professor at the University of Murcia. Specialist in Clinical Psychology. Tutor teacher at the Associate Centre in Elche, of the Spanish National University for Distance Education (UNED). Invited lecturer to various Spanish and international universities. Author and coordinator of numerous books on psychological treatment in children and adolescents, putting special emphasis on, Programa FORTIUS: Fortaleza psicológica y prevención de las dificultades emocionales (FORTIUS Programme: Psychological strength and prevention of emotional difficulties) (Pirámide, 2013), Miedos y temores en la infancia (Scares and fears in children) (Pirámide, 2012), Manual del psicólogo de familia (Family psychologist manual) (Pirámide, 2012), Terapia psicológica (Psychological therapy) (Pirámide, 2012), El niño que no sonríe (The child that does not smile) (Pirámide, 2011), El niño miedoso (The scared child) (Pirámide, 2011), Terapia psicológica con niños y adolescents (Psychological therapy with children and adolescents) (Pirámide, 2011), Depresión infantil y adolescente (Depression in children and adolescents) (Klinik, 2011), Cómo dar alas a los hijos para que vuelen solos (How to give our children wings so they can fly by themselves) (Pirámide, 2010), ¿Depresión o felicidad? (Depression or happiness?) (Nova Galicia, 2010). Director of the collections “Ojos Solares” (Solar Eyes) and “Guías para Padres y Madres” (Guides for Mums and Dads). Currently, his research and clinical interest is centred on positive psychology and on the prevention and treatment of emotional problems in children and adolescents. 


SUMMARY OF THE WORKSHOP: With Dr. Xavier Méndez the participants of this workshop will learn how to apply the FORTIUS programme, designed to prevent emotional problems in children. The aim of this programme is for the child to develop: a) Emotional Strength, to understand the use of negative emotions and learn to control them by means of prograssive relaxation, breathing and mental imagery; b) Behavioral Strength, on an interpersonal level, practising active listening and social skills, and on a personal level, with study planning and programming their free-time; c) Mental Strength, to improve thought processes including internal dialogue, via cognitive restructuring, problem solving and self-instructions.


