Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Child behavior disorders
In the symposium different child behavioural problems will be addressed, their assessment and their intervention from a cognitive-behavioural approach, and from different perspectives: individual treatment in private practice, group treatment and treatment in a hospital setting (Day Clinic at the Niño Jesús Hospital in the Autonomous Region of Madrid). The problems addressed will those related to child disobedience, attention deficit disorders with and without hyperactivity, and behavioural disorders in adolescents. Furthermore, we will discuss the differences, advantages and disadvantages between individual intervention versus group intervention and the differential effectiveness of a formal programme for parents of children with ADHD disorders.
Cristina Larroy was awarded a Ph.D. in Psychology by the Complutense University of Madrid, she is a Senior Professor with lecturer credentials from the Clinical Psychology Department at the same university, coordinator of the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology and director of the Official Master in General Health Psychology, both of them at the UCM. Her contributions to the study and dissemination of child behavioural problems are specified in numerous books (some of which, such as “The disobedient child” have more than ten re-editions and translated to other languages), book chapters, conferences, contributions in congresses, etc. She has also worked on problems in adolescents, specifically with patients with Eating Disorders and adolescents with menstrual cycle problems.