
Ainzara Favini obtained her Ph.D. at Sapienza University of Rome in the International program “Psychology and Social Neuroscience” in 2019. From 2019 to 2023 she worked as a post-doc researcher in the Department of Psychology of Sapienza University of Rome. She is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Humanities of the University of Foggia in Developmental and Personality Psychology.
Her interests tap into the study of patterns of functioning based on individual characteristics, both temperamental and personality traits, profiles, and their characteristics across adolescence and countries, on the associations between temperamental/personality profiles and maladaptive or adaptive outcomes from adolescence to adulthood, focusing on trajectories of adaptive (e.g., self-efficacy beliefs, prosocial behavior) and maladaptive (emotional and/or behavioral problems) across adolescence.
She is also interested in individual and contextual factors for the positive use of Information and Communication Technologies in youths, in the prevention of internet-related risky behaviors in youths (e.g., addictive behaviors, grooming, hate speech), and in individual determinants of bullying and cyberbullying.
Unveiling temperamental studies on children and youth development: New research directions for an old topic