
John R. Weisz
Harvard University. United States
Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents: What We have Learned from 60 Years of Research

Samantha Cartwright-Hatton
Sussex University. United Kingdom
Helping parents with mental health problems to raise confident children

Rikard Wicksell
Karolinska Institute. Sweden
Digital behavioral health to increase resilience in youth with chronic pain.

Lauren Potthoff
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. United States
Promoting Pediatric Psychology and Resilience in Ukraine

Caroline Piotrowski
University of Manitoba. Canada
Resilience in youth facing challenging circumstances

Agustín Ernesto Martínez-González
University of Alicante. Spain
Using AI to evaluate the gut-brain axis in autism

Mateu Servera
University of the Balearic Islands. Spain
Measurement and implications of cognitive disengagement syndrome

Covadonga Chaves
Complutense University of Madrid. Spain
Assessment and intervention to promote well-being

Jorge Moya
University of Lleida. Spain
Other uses of modern board games in childhood and adolescence

Nuria de la Osa
Autonomous University of Barcelona. Spain
Weight stigma: development and controversy

Laura López Romero
University of Santiago de Compostela. Spain
Psychopathic traits in childhood and adolescence

Selene Valero-Moreno
University of Valencia. Spain
Technological platforms in competence development

Ainzara Favini
University of Foggia. Italy
iFeel: individual differences in emotional processes across adolescence

Adriana Lis
University of Padova. Italy
The ties that bind: Exploring relationships during adolescence

Elena Gervilla
University of the Balearic Islands. Spain
Promoting mental health in childhood and adolescence

Rocío de la Vega
University of Málaga. Spain
The role of psychologists in the treatment of youth with health conditions

Xavier Méndez
University of Murcia. Spain
Who’s in Charge at Home? Six steps to address child disobedience

Juan Miguel Flujas
University of Almeria. Spain
Parental psychological flexibility: Intervention strategies from third generation therapies

Inmaculada Gómez
University of Almeria. Spain
Parental psychological flexibility: Intervention strategies from third generation therapies