
Trudy Mooren works as a clinical psychologist and systemic therapist at ARQ Centrum`45, and is professor by special appointment at the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Utrecht University. She is head teacher of the postgraduate training for clinical psychologists and psychotherapists at the RINO group. She researches the effects of psychotrauma on family relationships, especially in refugee populations, and the implications for assessment and intervention. She has been a member of subsequent research committees assigned by the government to studying the experiences of violence, organized sexual abuse, and separation and adoption of children of teenage mothers in the Dutch society.
Family matters in response to psychotrauma.

How to work with both parents and children in the aftermath of psychotrauma? Much can be learned about clinical consequences of psychotrauma and recovery in children and their family members from a specific population: refugees. In recent years several research projects have been conducted in our clinical practice of services for unaccompanied refugee minors from various regions in the world, for the children who arrived in Europe with one or more family members and for families experiencing reunification. Consequences of psychotrauma for family relationships within and outside the nuclear family will be described in this contribution. Strategies for assessment and intervention methods for working with families coping with psychotrauma will be mentioned (e.g., the efficacy of traumafocused therapies KID-NET, EMDR and the groupformat Multifamily therapy). Implications are listed that are not restricted to the refugee population, but apply to other populations (e.g., veterans, police officers, journalists) as well.