
Presentation in Spanish


Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

Graduated in Psychology and Master in Research in Clinical and Health Psychology (Autonomous University of Barcelona). Her work focuses on psychosocial protective factors, such as resilience, coping strategies, optimism, and social support in different groups, in order to understand them to promote the quality of life and emotional well-being of people. Likewise, she has also studied stress, traumatic experiences and stressful life events, to learn how to prevent the mental health problems that can arise from them.
She has developed her professional career in different institutions, such as the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute (IRSJD), and the University of Barcelona (UB). She is also a member of the Work and Research Group on Women and Mental Health (GTRDSM) of the Catalan Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health. She currently works in the Henka Program, developed by the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona and in collaboration with the Z Zurich Foundation, which promotes emotional well-being in adolescents and young people with actions that reinforce resilience to prevent mental health problems. She is also a member of the Work and Research Group on Women and Mental Health (GTRDSM) of the Catalan Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health since 2019.

School Programs for Promoting Mental Health and Emotional Well-being in Childhood and Adolescence

During childhood and adolescence, we face many developmental changes that present a scenario full of great challenges and opportunities, including the chance to learn and grow emotionally and socially.
To support individuals during these critical periods, programs are needed that allow them to develop and cultivate key socio-emotional skills, along with healthy habits and routines for healthy development, and to promote good mental health and emotional well-being throughout life.
Effective programs conducted in educational settings can promote the psychological well-being of students and reach almost everyone universally and equitably. In this sense, educational institutions could contribute to fostering the training of these skills within their educational plans to improve the emotional well-being of their students.
Moreover, the involvement of families in promoting the psychological and socio-emotional well-being of their children is crucial, as is the participation of health professionals and administrative officials. These stakeholders can assist educational professionals and families by providing expert guidance and advice to acquire the necessary capabilities and strategies. The importance of co-creation among these groups is also critical.
This session will present four pioneering projects in the universal prevention of mental health problems and the promotion of emotional well-being and good mental health that have been or are being developed in Spain. Specifically, attendees will learn about the Komtü Program, the IMPROVA Project, the UPRIGHT Project, and the Henka Program, understand all the actions they carry out in educational centers, and the results of their implementation.