Advances in the research on perfectionism in children and adolescents adolescents

Perfectionism is a multidimensional personality trait, of intra- and interpersonal character, characterized by the search for perfection and characterized by the search for perfection and the establishment of extremely high performance standards, accompanied by the and setting extremely high standards of performance, accompanied by a strong tendency to self-criticism, as well as and beliefs about the perfectionistic and critical demands of the people around us. people around us. Perfectionism has been widely studied at the international level, especially from clinical psychology. psychology and psychiatry, not only because of its high prevalence in clinical and community high prevalence in clinical and community populations, but also because of the considerable evidence of its close link with psychopathology in general. Unfortunately, research on perfectionism in research on perfectionism in children and adolescents cannot be compared to that on the in terms of both quantity and quality. In the last decade, our research team has focused its efforts on the study of child perfectionism from a multidisciplinary perspective. perfectionism, under a multidisciplinary perspective. The present symposium aims to to show some of the results obtained with interesting practical implications for research, clinical and educational practice. research and clinical and educational practice. Thus, the first paper will describe the psychometric properties of will describe the psychometric properties of two scales that allow to evaluate, in a valid and reliable way, perfectionistic and reliable way, perfectionist traits and perfectionist self-presentation in Spanish children. Spanish children. Secondly, a systematic review of programs specifically designed to prevent and/or reduce perfectionism in children will be presented. programs specifically designed to prevent and/or reduce perfectionism in children and adolescents, with special adolescents, with special emphasis on the implications for the field of educational guidance. educational guidance. Thirdly and fourthly, we will investigate the relationship between perfectionism and variables of psychoeducational interest, such as school anxiety and school rejection.


University of Alicante. Spain

María Vicent holds a Ph.D. from the University of Alicante (International Mention and unanimously awarded Cum Laude with Extraordinary Prize). In 2014, she was granted a Predoctoral Training Fellowship by the Conselleria d’Educació (GVA, VALi+d Program; 2014), which allowed her to join the Department of Developmental Psychology and Teaching at the Faculty of Education (University of Alicante). Currently, she serves as an Assistant Professor in the same department and holds the national accreditation of Full Professor in the area of Behavioral Sciences, with six years of research experience and five years of teaching experience. She has conducted predoctoral and postdoctoral stays at the University of Plymouth (United Kingdom), the University of Bío-Bío (Chile), and the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Spain). She has participated in various research projects funded by the University of Alicante, the Valencian Government, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Economy and Enterprise, the European Union (Erasmus+ Program), and other foreign institutions, both as a member of the research team (notable projects: PID2021-123118NAI00; RTI2018-098197-B-I00; GRE16-07; GRE15-09; DIUBB 2050238 IF/R, 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000088733) and as the Principal Investigator (GRE19-19 and CIGE/2021/021). Her area of expertise is perfectionism during childhood and adolescence. She has authored over 80 published articles (56 of which have appeared in JCR-indexed journals), 6 books, and 16 book chapters published by renowned publishers such as Pirámide, Springer, Nova Science Publishers, Octaedro, as well as numerous contributions to national and international conferences. Lastly, she is also a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Clinical Psychology with Children and Adolescents.
