Evidence base on the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents
In my talk I will provide a critical overview on the evidence base for the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), mainly relying on the mist updated and methodologically rigorous pairwise, network (NMA) and individual patient data (IPD) meta-analyses of randomized controlled trails (RCTs) or observational studies.
I will critically discuss: 1) the issue of the quality of the studies; 2) the timing (short-term and long-term) of the effects; 3) to which extent current guidelines are informed by the evidence base; and 4) the gaps between evidence base and daily clinical practice.
Samuele Cortese
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Southampton, UK
Honorary Consultant, Solent NHS Trust, UK
Adjunct Professor, New York University (NYU), New York, USA
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