Silvia Álava Sordo
Álava Reyes Psychology Centre, Spain
Emotional regulation as a transdiagnostic construct. Cases of intervention in children’s clinic
The symposium will present several cases of psychological intervention in children from a transdiagnostic approach, in which emotional regulation has been addressed as an etiological deficit process common in all of them. The presentation of these cases will open a debate on the importance of developing integrative intervention protocols based on emotional regulation as the basis of treatment in many of the alterations or disorders found in children’s clinic.
Silvia Álava Sordo holds a doctorate in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and is director of the Children’s Area of the Álava Reyes Psychology Centre. She is professor of the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology at the Alfonso Décimo el Sabio University (UAX), the Master’s in Teacher Training at the Rey Juan Carlos University (URCJ) and the Master’s in Child and Youth Psychology at the UAM and IEPA (European Institute of Applied Psychology and Clinical Psychology). She has made numerous collaborations in various media. She has been awarded the Communication Prize of the XXXIV edition of the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid, and Honorary Accesit of the XXX edition of the Journalism Prize and a diploma of Recognition as a Divulgatory Psychologist granted by the same College. She is also the author of the books: “Queremos Hijos Felices. Lo que nunca nos enseñaron” (We want happy children. What we were never taught), and “Queremos que crezcan felices. De la infancia a la adolescencia” (We want them to grow up happy. From childhood to adolescence) and co-author of the encyclopedia “La Psicología que nos ayuda a vivir”(Psychology that helps us to live) and the book “Cuentos para comer sin cuentos” (Stories to eat without stories).