David Foxcroft
Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom
Improving prevention planning in schools and communities
In this campfire we will discuss the different forms and functions that prevention can take, and how to use this framework for prevention planning in schools and communities. Participants will be encouraged to consider their own situation and identify candidate prevention interventions across a whole school or community setting. During these interactions, we will consider theoretical, evidential and practical aspects for prevention planning.
David Foxcroft is Professor of Community Psychology and Public Health at Oxford Brookes University in the U.K. His work is focused on understanding (and improving) behaviour in context, especially how social structures (e.g. families, schools, communities, employers, regulation, government) can support improved health and wellbeing in communities and populations. A focus is the prevention of risk behaviours in children and young people. He was awarded the Tobler prize by the U.S. Society for Prevention Research for his research on preventing youth alcohol misuse, and he recently co-authored a prize, winning book on Drug Policy and the Public Good (Oxford University Press). He was the President of the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) from 2014-2017. Due to his extensive experience in the field of prevention, Prof. Foxcroft is an international advisor. He worked in the drafting of guidance for evaluating drug prevention interventions for the United Nations Office for Drugs Control (UNODC). He was an advisor in the UNESCO / UNODC / WHO report on Education sector responses to the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. He currently chairs the International Advisory Work MRC Study Steering Committee, RCT of SFP10-14 in Panama. Prof. Foxcroft worked for the United Nations Childrens Fundation (UNICEF), advising on the development of prevention systems and programmes in Iran. He was part of the advisory board of the European Communities That Care (CTC) Implementation Project. Prof. Foxcroft is the author of countless scientific publications on prevention, which makes him an international recognized researcher in the field of prevention.